Sunday, December 3, 2023

Lord Where, WHEN I misunderstand, REVEAL my error and I will bow to Christ, Living Truth.

 There is NO DARKNESS WHERE DARKNESS LIES HIDING, WHEN Father TURNS His Light ON in my Room.  I want to Walk LIKE Christ with NO limp, or like a BROKEN Bone of the body of death.  Lord Speak ANYTIME, WHILE I dwell on earth of darkness, Speak that I MAY Hear You.

And born in, of darkness and Lifeless flesh, this SOUL suddenly Heard the Voice of Light.  There is NO FALL when the Light is PERPETUALLY ON in the Rooms of His Hous  e.

Blessed the sinner CHOSEN TO DO his-time in darkness WITH THE Pres  ence of Light, and BE SET FREE, EXIST OUT OF darkness AFTER doing time in UNION WITH Light.  The Living Law WILL PAID BACK ALL the Love, the Obedience, the Sacrifice due Him as God.  Freed from darkness, disobedience, I NOW WANT TO BE His PERPETUAL Servant IN Eternity.   The Yoke of God IS Light and Truth.  A REWARD for Faith in God.  NO BURDEN at all to the Light OF Light.

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