Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Body of VIGINAL souls Promised TO Christ, HAVE Eyes ONLY FOR Him.

 They who Love the Son OF Obedience, hate disobedience.  They REJECT darkness and CLING TO Light.   Salvation of SOULS.  Souls Alive by Spirit FOR PERPETUAL Union with Truth.  This a Holy Union WHEE NO DARKNESS, presence of darkness IS ALLOWED to exist.  The Removal, Preparation for Holy Union, is the casting out ALL that is not God His Spirit of Truth.  The BRIDE REBORN OF OBEDIENCE, Receives the Garment of Christ, Holy Flesh.  The SOUL and Flesh BECOME ONE in the Kingdom of OBEDIENCE.  Where Light Dwells there is not even a speak of disobedience.  For even disobedience and wrath are tools, against disobedient flesh and dead souls. Separated from Life in the womb of darkness.

CAST OUT OF Obedience by disobedience, the god that dwells in house of flesh, abides as darkness, WHERE Light MUST dwell by Faith IN God Restored.  The Return of Light TO cast out darkness, and PERPETUALLY abide by Faith IN His House of MANY Rooms, for MANY LIVING SOULS.  ONLY the Living Children that Return by Truth can ENTER AND Dwell FOEVER.

The Wrath of God, unleashed to TURN His Children BACK Home TO Him His PRESENCE.  IN death of soul we behold darkness, and IN darkness we able to See Light, Way, OUT of darkness. The MORTAL body of flesh WAS TAKEN CAPTIVE to the mouth of darkness IN flesh.  The Plan, Way to MAKE a Perfect Man out of imperfect substance, Rebirth by Faith IN Obedience of Christ in fallen flesh of weakness.

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