Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Seed of God, His Holy Word Planted in the VIRGIN SOUL, shall bring forth Holy Fruits. AFTER the Rain Comes down.

 Deep are the Roots of Love.  The Spirit PERFECTS the souls of His Substance.  Sinless Blood? The Life IN us IS THE Spirit, Breath of God.  Not the human spirit, AIR, in the blood of dying flesh.

The Father and His Son HAVE PURCHASED, BROUGHT INTO EXISTENCE a BRAND NEW Garment made by God His Will, His Power, His Way.  A Garment this Bride will NEVER TAKE OFF.  The Plan of God, A PERFECT Union of Flesh with Spirit.

No thought of darkness, the mouth of flesh, better not say this Man don't Love His Soul in His Body. The Spirit of Christ SAYS SO, DO NOT blaspheme the Spirit.

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