Saturday, December 9, 2023

Giving up, surrendering the ghost of darkness in Faith, a surender to Holy Ghost unto Life of Brightness.

 The wicked surrender unto death, not Life.  They shall not Escape death after being shadows of darkness.

The wicked so not Know Reality at all.  They MOCK those who Rely on Presence of God, who CALL by Faith. Those AT His Door, the WAY into His House.  The Key of Truth in their mouths, Breath of God in their SOULS.  They laugh, mock, deny WHAT they do not Understand.  The ghost of flesh is not the Ghost, Breath in the Body of Christ.

Their OWN thoughts TESTIFY against them, their evil desires of flesh, condemn them. The soul is dead without Spirit.  The garment of flesh OLD, torn, soiled.  Their OWN HUMAN spirit shall testify against them.  Condemn the ALREADY DEAD, Lifeless Soul?  The Second death of the flesh, the soul without a home to live in this world of darkness.

The Rich Substance of Life in Christ, NOW ours, the Body of Christ.  The spirit of temporary life, AIR shall depart the body and be buried unto DUST again.    We are the Green Branches GRAFTED INTO THE Tree of Life.  It is the Life of His Seed; His Spirit PRODUCES our Fruit unto God.

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