Friday, December 15, 2023

Clearance from Above to ENTER, Reality. To REMAIN unto Eternal Day OF NOW.

 Access TO Hidden Thoughts, Secrets TOLD TO REBORN souls.   Things unexplainable, unreceivable to children of flesh and darkness.  The God Given Right TO Access the Unknown. Mind, Original Source of ALL things God and ALL things flesh.

God has made it IMPOSSIBLE for Godless flesh to depart darkness without His Presence, Guidance.

From slaves, children of Adam's disobedient flesh, fallen souls IN the body of Adame, NOW the Body of Christ Raised WITH Him a BLOODLESS, Body VOID OF DISOBEDIENCE. Prepared for the souls REBORN OF Faith.  The old spirit darkness, REPLACE, REMOVED BY Light.  We NOW are the Body of Life, REBORN OF Truth, Seed and Living Waters.  Living Children conceived by Light in flesh of darkness and TRANSFORMED BY God into Living Children departing the womb of darkness Alive into His Arms, Presence, Love.  We are the Children REBORN OF Faith IN Christ.

AS He GAVE His SOUL-Life TO us, we NOW Give Him the Life we Live NOW, BACK TO Him.  The Father of OBEDIENT SOULS, Watches as we RETURN TO Him, Life.  The Power of Chrit, Truth in His SOUL, UNITES US with Life of Love.  The Body Awakened, all Parts Serve God.

LOST in darkness without Light, that Light ENTER Restore SOUL TO God, Thought-Life, that IS OUR Separation from darkness, and his body of death.

Separated from the MANY times, hours of darkness, unto the Light.  God IS the Victory, the Power of Love overwhelms the darkness and takes Captive TO Light.  Without God His Presence we Know NOT what Love IS and is not.

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