Thursday, December 14, 2023

The soul KEPT AWAKE by Brightness of His Presence. The Fullness of Light that the darkness can not cast out. This Light swallows the darkness into nonexistence.

Safe IN the Presence of Light, where darkness can not exist.  Peace in the mind and heart of a REBORN soul.   Walking with, BEING EXRCISED by the Spirit, to Walk in the VERY Steps, Thoughts of Christ.

The smell of disobedience, a house set on fire with desires of disobedience, Needs Rain, and Carpenter of Restoration to Remove the smoke, sin stained walls WITH Love and Power, Living Waters.  TORN DOWN TO, THE OLD foundation of WRITTEN words and the NEW Foundation of Christ, NEW Foundation.  The REBORN SOUL CAN Stand on and not fall down.

The robber, the forger of human doctrines, MUST BY Faith BE REMOVED, and Restored to Owner for Restoration, Worthy for Occupation of the King of fkings.  IN Him His Body we are more than flesh and blood, We ARE His Body, Temple of Faith. The Life We NOW Live IS Life IN UNION WITH Christ, Head.  This is no ordinary human thought, belief, God IS Truth, Thought, Life, Happiness.
What else is there to think, speak, do IN time, DOING TIME until We ARE the SPIRUTAL Reflection of Christ, PERPARED BY Spirit to ENTER the Kingdom of Life, Peace with God, Holy Union.
The ONLY Soul ABLE TO Live there with Him, IS THE OBEDIENT SOUL, dead to world of darkness, in Love with Light.  The Way HIDDEN WITHIN WRITTEN Scriptures, MUST BECOME BY Faith the Living Truth from Spirit in a SOUL REBORN OF Life, OUT OF death into Life.

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