Sunday, December 3, 2023

The SOUL IN 2 DIMENSIONS, in TIME THE Rebon SOUL in dying flesh BUT at SAME time NOW, in His Body..

 The GODLESS flesh sees NOTHING but according to flesh an blood.  Blessed are the Children of Flesh AND Spirit.   We are the Body of Resurrection.  We are the OBEDIENT SOULS Ruled by Truth, Truth in Dominion over dying flesh.

There is NO TIME FOR UNBELIEF OR DISPUTES OF flesh.  IF you CAN Hear your Name, His Call, RISE AND COME QUICKLY UNTO Him.  The Spirit and Word CALL His BODY THAT BEARS His Name, and She Rises, Immediately SERVES Him IN Love.

The dead do not Know that they ARE SPIRITUALLY dead.  Their life of flsh they live is according to the desires of evil spirit hiding in the flesh.  Filled with hate, deceit, envy, bitterness, angry pride, they are QUICK TO anger and SLOW to BE Peace.

They do not Know WHY they are miserable dead souls, they can not abide with Happy SOUL Alive in the Body of Love.  Your smile the source of bitter bile risen in their throats.  Their joy is removing rhe smile from the heart, the mind of SOUL.  Pride can not bear, stand the Presence of Light in others.

Christ Knows, Sees EVERY thought, emotion, win RISEN UP Ruling the SOUL.  As the Head Sees, SO His Body also in surrender to Him.

A Bath in the tears, waters of Repentance and NEW Garment put on, Before Standing in His Presence.  Christ IN OUR SOUL and dying flesh, LIVES Life of Christ FOR us, here and THERE also.  The dead are the body of dead souls, the body of Adam.   We are the Living  Alive in the Body of Christ. we LOST IN Adam, RETORED IN Christ.

Rejoice.  The Spirit of Christ Has Raised His Flesh, Body Alive from the dead.  OUR God the God of Many dimensions.

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