Sunday, December 10, 2023

EVERYTHING IS God's, COMES FROM God, ON LOAN from God. Give unto God His Portion for Loan.

 Do not be the CAUSE, source of, disobedience , example of disobedience and not Obedient unto God.  The sons of Eli, disobeyed, dishonored God.  God is not a man, but a Spirit, who will Save you from God?

Spirit, Truth, God?  God IS Obedience.  His Spirit YOURS BY Faith.  GOD wanted to to SLAY Eli's sons, they ignored dis not listen, obey their father's warning.  NOW God's Children ARE OF Spirit, Live Spirit Life.   Eli's were not God's but children of darkness, disobedience.   And little Samuel a child Chosen by God, Heard God, LISTENED TO God, Served, Obeyed God.

It is BY Spirit, Presence of God, that His Children OBEY, Serve Him no other god.   The taking, using what belongs to God FOR human self.  The honoring your flesh instead of humbling your flesh beneath God His Presence.   To Love, Honor, and OBEY God.  A House OF Light that Walketh IN the Presence of Ligt, no step out of the Light INTO darkness.

Young Samuel Chosen by God, Raised by God TO DO ALL within the Heart of God and IN His Mind.  God's House, Temple, Built upon a SURE Founation, Anointed BY God to Walk, abide in His Mind, His Thoughts, Spirit.  Speak Lord for Your Body, Children ARE Listening.  By THE Word, the Lord REVEALS Himself to those Listening.  Those UNDER Head, that Hear Him Speaking to His Body of the LIVING.

In the DARKEST hour of the Night, the Brightness of the Light can be Seen.  IN STILLNESS OF mind, His Voice, His Thoughts can be Heard.

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