Monday, December 18, 2023

Your hour of darkness, NIGHT, time IS OVER IF you ENTER the Light Receive the Light, ABIDE with Him. Presence.

 The Flame of Fire and Wind ARE HERE UPON THE EARTH, in time.  When He Head DRWS His Body UP AFTER Him, BE FOUND IN His Body, Alive not dead.

The children of the devil, darkness, killed the temporary flesh, but RELEASED the Living SOUL, filled with Life.  Life POURED OUT FOR the Sheep THRISTYING FOR Water of Life.  OUR Birth, His Pain and JOY to Deliver us into the Kingdom as REBORN OF Faith in Truth.

LOST in darkness, deceived by flesh of disobedience, slave of disobedience. OUR Shepherd CAME TO Gather us, Separate us BY His Tongue, Sword of Power.  Do not fear death, embrace death that separates the LIVING SOULS from the body of flesh.  The SOULS in Him His Body, THEIR Ark, their Door, THEIR Way back to the Father, Life, THROUGH death.  We are not the dead.  We ARE the Reborn to Hear, Recognize, the Good Word of Truth, Hearing we Rise and FOLLOW our Bright Morning Star Risen up in darkness, SHINING the Path of Thought and Spirit that BRINGS US Home again to THE Source, Beginning of EVERYTHING Good.

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