Sunday, December 3, 2023

I used to think about what to eat, think, wear, do. Consumed with thoughts of flesh. BUT NOW Christ THE Truth, My Beloved Thought of Spirit in me.

 Spirit of Fire, KEEPS DARKNESS, the thoughts of darkness away from my soul given unto God, Spirit. I Think of Light His Presence and the darkness flees away.  My flesh slumbers, but He is my Dream, I Wake and He IS WITH Me, Reality of God.  WHERE WOULD I GO, WHAT CAN I DO that You ill NOW BE WITH Me Watching, Waiting to Save this soul from the evil self that wants back in to live and have his being, existence?

God SAVES.  The question of God IS?  DO you, WANT TO BE SAVED, separated from the evil you love?  Yes Lord, SAVE B--be from my own evil spirit.  Give me the Mind, the Spirit of God, His VERY Presence and I SHALL BE Saved by God His Presence.

Spring.  Time to CLEAN house, throw things out. Keep the ONE NECESSARY Thing.

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