Saturday, December 9, 2023

NOT I but Christ His Spirit in this soul, always, Says NO to Sin FOR me.

 The Christ-Life of Love IS GIVEN, FOUND IN, whomsoever God Chooses.  The SOUL and Christ BEOME ONE.

HUMAN teachers of flesh, teach their OWN thoughts, conceptions as God's.  There EXISTS ONLY One Teacher, God, Father of ALL the Living REBORN OF Spirit of Truth.

AS I have Believed, Received of God SO I BECOME a Reflection Living soul of His Soul and Spirit, Seed.   ALL that is REQUIRED is that the EMPTY SOUL, ASK BY Faith, for Faith in Truth.  God NEVER Hides FROM His Children, lost in darkness SEEKING His Way Home.

There is a Water, a Rain, a Cleansing by Snow come down from the NORTH.  TRUE NORTH.  God Hears His Children of His Body and Head, He Hears and REPLIES TO the Living.

The waves of darkness become as frozen under the Feet of Christ.  His Body WITH Him can Walk ABOVE the waters of earth. His Body FLOATS with Breath not AIR.

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