Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Blink, the eye of flesh closed in death, the Eye OF Body OPEN in the Body NOW with Him, Eternity, outside of time.

 T he Lord SANCTIFIES His Body, right before the eyes of enemies, disobedience, death, deceit.

NOW.  NOW is ALWAYS the TIME to Seek the Lord His Presence. The Spirit of Christ will NEVER ALLOW a lion to swallow His Child, Head NOR Body.  COME NOW to Christ, the Sacrifice of the Lamb, RECEIVE FROM His Hand, Presence, YOUR Potion of Christ FROM Him OUR Father.

The Table of God, WHERE Christ is Seated with His Body.  Truth and nothing but His Truth, God's Thought, Truth upon His Table.

The Godless, heathen are held captive to their human, sin nature, disobedience unto death.  The souls dead by human thought poison.

Father SHINE Your Presence, Light, upon this nation of darkness, Restore THIS NATION OF darkness Back TO Light.  Draw out of darkness Your Lost people, TURN ON THE Light, Shine of Day.

Swallow the remnant of darkness, the shadows of darkness by Your Light, Presence.  RESTORE Your Lost BACK TO You.

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