Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Mercy of God upon seed not His. Temporary life, doing time, doing good and not evil, EASY time, instead of HARD time.

 The Goodness of God, to flesh is temporary time life, and the Reward of Living Christ is, Release from prison of time.  Going Home after Restoration TO God the OBEDIENCE DUE Him as God.  The Kingdom of God's Presence IS OURS, IHERITANCE OF His Body of Children. 

Genesis, Cain, ALL, YOU have to do, is OBEY Love and THEN BE Accepted by God as His.  How Kind is Love to the children of flesh and AIR in their blood.

God is the Father of the Body of Life, the LIVING SOULS, that cast off their flesh and RETURN IN, BY His Spirit of Christ.  TOO HARD, IMPOSSIBLE FOR those without Spirit to Help, Life, and CARRY THEM IN to the Kingdom of God's Presence.

The hypocrites, offer PARTIAL obedience, NOT Christ His Spirit OBEDIENCE, TO God.  Like their father, they his seed, his spirit in flesh, PRETEND, MASQUERADE, DECEIVE.  Lie to their dead souls and others.  Liars that do not Know God nor Known AS His.  The churches of the antichrist.  They seek teachers that tell, teach them WHAT they the dead WANT TO hear.  They listen and do not Have the Spirit, Life, Power, TO OBEY, DO AS God Says.  They follow a WRITTEN Word FOR the dead, bind, deaf, crippled souls, that have NO Way to COME TO Him His Feet.

Woe to the shepherd that are wolves in disguise, that are not Shepherds of Truth. They speak the thoughts that put a soul back even deeper into slumber of death.  The Lamb of God our Shepherd CALLS His Seep TO Him and they Follow Him, NO OTHER.  The false shepherds gather sheep to devour, take and USE them for what they want, desire.  Like pharaoh they with force, cruelty ask them to do the impossible.  God IS Setting His Sheep free from their mouths that serve darkness.

Look to Rome.  It being Revealed by the Light that Rome IS FALLEN TO the darkness.  See the nakedness of the MANY denominations of a different doctrine than Christ, Truth of His Spir

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