Tuesday, December 19, 2023

O spirit of wicked disobedience, thy children in chains of death shall die. Open your Mouth and WARN of THEIR way, spirit.

 The Servant of Love WARNS the unbelieving disobedient.  For to not WARN is disobedience, IN Faith I Warn and DELIVER my SOUL unto God as Servant of Salvation, Preservation, of others, the Deliverance of my OWN SOUL by Obedience.  Pride, fear of fallen man flesh, shall not CAUSE me to be a stumbling block, hindrance to the dead, blind, deaf souls asleep in a house set on fire by darkness, its fire of destruction.

Send Rain, Help, for Your houses filled, blinded by darkness.  Send Light and Rescue back Home to You WAITING, WATCHING for THEIR RE-turn.

Give NOW what IS DUE Him as God.  NOT partial obedience of flesh, but the Obedience of Christ NOW ours BY Faith.  

BY fear, panic, struggle a SOUL DROWNS in waters of darkness.  BY Faith, IN Love, we FLOAT until He REMOVES US BY His Hand, from the earth INTO the Heavens.  We SOULS NOW Live the Life of Obedience, NOW and UNTIL Called Home.

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