Thursday, December 21, 2023

ALL have been born spiritually dead. Dead souls born of disobedient flesh.

 HUMAN children OF flesh, sin natured flesh, ARE sin natured SOULS.  The SOUL IS DEAD void of Spirit, Life, and the BODY OF flesh TEMPORARY life of breathing AIR, spirit of the world.  The Truth ACCORDING TO God, Spirit, cannot be UNDERTOOD with HUMAN spirit of AIR, in flesh of death.

The dead soul and the WRITTEN words shall not Guide, Lift UNTO, INTO Heaven.  The Spirit of Christ, Truth must ENTER AND ABIDE within SOUL.  The Very Breath of God, His Spirit, Presence in His Reborn Children of Faith.   The Reborn of Faith in, into, the Body of the LIVING.

God, Spirit, Father, Teacher and His Word that SAVES, delvers the SOUL BACK TO Life FROM THE DEAD.  Those sill asleep in the womb of slumber in darkness.  UNLESS IN Christ, Matured BY Christ they will NEVER awaken and ENTER THE Kingdom that IS God, Spirit and Thought.

TAKE HOLD OF Life in His Sprit and IN His Thoughts.  Walk as ONE in Peace with God.

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