Monday, December 4, 2023

Christ Body Speaks Truth and GATHERS WITH Him from the fields of tempoary times,

 We are the DORRMANT Seed hidden in the Beginning in Adam, his OWN human spirit, self-thoughts, AIR, flesh breaths DECEIVED Adam, the flesh at turned not to God, but from God HIS PRESENCE in the Garden of God His Presence.  BECOME the garden of hell, garden of the serpent, deceit, his fruits of his mouth. The man of flesh in union with woman poisoned flesh, ONE BITE, one serum of poison, killed both souls but not the flesh taken hostage.  Generation after generation, the flesh of BOTH evil and good seed.  The weak flesh unable to tell the difference between Truth and Deceit.

Christ the Holy Serum of Truth, Christ the ANTIDOTE to death.  Christ the Light in you IS the death of deceit.

On our knees we BOW before Christ, out faces in the DUST.  Humble us, CHANGE us. Save us from our evil human selves, souls. 

The NOW moment Known ONLY BY God OUR Father.  You believe?  THEN you ARE Prepared?  TRUE SONS AND DAUGHTERS, His Body IS ALWAYS Prepared for NOW, and NOW, AND NOW UNTIL  Called Home with Head, shall His Body NOW Ruled by FROM WITHIN IS His Bride.

A World of Spirit not a world of dust.  The Revealation removes, TAKES the breath of flesh AWAY.

NOT SORRY that I cannot STOP Thinking WITH Him OF Him. He makes a SOUL BEAUTIFUL.  JUST a Blessed SOUL, THAT MUST Mirror, REFLECT Him Eternally.

His Presence, Reflection IS THE BLESSING from God.

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