Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Begin a Walk in the Morning with Christ, Truth CLEARS THE Head, and Walks the WHOLE time, WITH you.

 From beginning to the END of Night, The Risen Son REMAINS, darkness BE GONE!  His LITTLE Children, REBORN Believe Him BECAUSE He IS our Father  Our LONG Walk Home, our Return WITH the Light within us, Shining, Reveaing the ONLY Way back to Goodness OUR Home.

The Great Flood of Light that Lifts us up out of darkness.  The Reborn SOULS IN the Body, Ark of Christ.  Safe above the waters of destruction.  The Spirit VERY Breath of God, Saves the Body of Christ, the Breath of Head Saves.

You HUMBLE, HAVE Faith to BOW AND ASK for REAL Food of Reality?  JUST ASK and by Faith Receive the WHOLE Loaf of Bread.  NEVER BE HUNGRY AGAIN. For His Presence, His Food, His Wine, His Table of Good Thought, Truth.

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