Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The WASTE lands. The WILDERNESS OUTSIDE His Kingdom.

 The children of flesh and human spirit ARE GIVEN TO the beasts, that DEVOUR the flesh.  They even DEVOUR each other BY THEIR MOUTHS.  Know that the Lord shall make DESOLATE a land, people of abomination, disobedience.

Come. NOW.  And sit at His Feet. Sit IN STILLNSS OF Faith, Listen, Hear by Spirit and Receive of Him.  The human souls, born of flesh, they hear BUT hear not IN Faith, nor do they turn from disobedience TO You, Spirit of Faith.  THEIR thoughts, words, teachings are NOT Yours Spirit, the Hypocrites like their father speak partial truths as Truth.   Those told Your Words of Truth, SAY they will TURN from flesh TO Spirit.  Their mouths SAY the WRITTEN words of Truth BUT they do not DO by Spirit of Love, Truth, POWER OF Obedience.  THEIR lips of flesh SAY they will BUT the spirit OF COVETOUSNESS turns their hearts from Love, to self-ishness, disobedience.  Ruled by desie for THINGS, that dwell as god in them, UPON Your Throne.

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