The ruler of flesh, men, shall EXALT him his self, flesh AGAINST God, Spirit. He shall prosper THEN FALL. That determined by God will BE, accomplished. The ruler shall nor regard God as his fathers before him, nor will he desire women but his own flesh, likeness. He will not desire God's provision fe-male flesh. He will LIFT him self above all, any god. He shall honor THE god of forces, a god unknown by his fathers, gods that reward with gold, silver, precious stones AND things pleasenat, pleasing to flesh. He shall RULE by these OVER MANY AND DIVIDE the land FOR GAIN. The kings OF TIME shall COME TOGETHER, a WHIRLWIND with great forces in number. He enter, pass over, enter, overflow countries. He OF darkness shall go from many lands of many strange gods, at the time of END, he shall enter into the glorious land of many countries. The land of PRIDE shall not Escape his hand, he shall hve the power of Force, troops, The children of flesh and darkness SHALL NOT Escape. He shall PLANT his palace BETWEEN the seas of the glorious holy mountain and COME TO HIS End without any to help him. The ruler of darkness in an over MANY for A time.
A time OF TROUBLE a time that NEVER WAS. SINCE time there was a nation in existence. The Rebirth PAINS, at the time flesh people shall BE Delivered. ALL that ARE Written in the Livin Book. The Book of the Living, WRITTEN, ENGRAVES in the Walls of His Heart and Mind.
The LIVING SOULS in the Body of Christ. He Knows us by Name, His Name. His Body. The stars of Light in the Night of darkness, Shine Brightneoss, the EVER Shining Awakened unto Everlasting Life, they Stars in the NIGHT, TURN, LEAD MANY TO Righteousness. To SIT at His Feet.
BEFORE the END OF TIME. Many COME TO Him shall BE Purified AND TESTED. The wicked shall DO WICKEDNESS without Understanding. BUT the Wise VIRGIN SOULs, His Bride Shall Live BY Understanding. With Spirit THE Sacrifice of Christ, to be found upon, within the LIVING SOULS. Daily Sacrifice unto God. Come NOW and be still at His Feet, Alive and Prepared to DEPART WITH Him in His Spirit, Chriot for the children of Faith. BE READY TO GO, CROSS OVER INTO the Kingdom Land of the Living.
For the dead IN TIME, it seems THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF TIME. BUT TO the Living, His Presence IS WITH IN them EVEN NOW.
Stay Ready, Dressed, Clean. Examined, Tested for TRUE Love. He wants not the sacrifice OF blood of beasts, He demands the Sacrifice of the Body of Christ. The Sacrifice of Body UNTO God, Spirit, Truth, Life. We are not TEMPORARY vessels of blood and AIR. We are THE Bride of Spirit, Holy Breath of Holy Life.
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