Sunday, December 24, 2023

Evil imagination that denies Reality Existence.

 The soul separated from gGod and captive overpowered and manipulated to defy God His 1 House Rule OF Law, the Law OF Obedience unto Spirit of Truth.  The Reborn SOUL back under the Wings,. Protection of Spirit AND FED BY Spirit the Thoughts of God.  The Mind of the Spirit Transforms, Roots the SOUL IN God his Father.

Captive unto darkness, the mind of darkness UNTIL the Flame Burns INTO Fire,  The Shine from WITHN THAT Reveals the Path TO Home.  From being fed the thoughts of wickedness, Restored to the Mouth of Truth, Good, Right Thoughts.  The Spirit the Reboot OF God.  The disabled sou, Enabled by the Presence of Spirit, God.  The Presence of God, the Source of Perpetual Obedience to Christ.  We the Body of Christ rely, lean upon God for Discernment.  Held by God's Presence, Power within absolute, unwavering Obedience.

Written words, memorized words can not Replace the Life of Living Truth within the SOUL  To know what is right is not the SAME AS Doing Right, Obedience by FAITH.

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