Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Christ TO the flesh of devils. Ye ARE devils LIKE YOUR father, his likeness you are.

 The invitation to depart the body of death by obedience and ENTER BY Faith Body of Obedience.

The fallen art of self deception.  UNABLE TO See, Recognize, Know THE HUMAN spirit of AIR, life in the SOUL is not God hut death.   The Devil LOVES his flesh to be weighed down with busy-ness. NEVER Still IN Peace of His Presence.   Modern TIME of distraction, focus on MANY OTHER things than God.  Deceit the thought that is not God's, in the place of God.

And the MODERN church of flesh not Spirit, that swallows up the time allotted to Seek and Live IN Peace with God, and not misled into the mouth that swallows the dead souls into absolute nonexistence.

God IS Reality.  Life.  Love. The Life of Service, DELIVERING FRESH Bread to the dying in darkness.

Christ died FOR YOU TO ENTER His Body of Faith and Live IN Faith a Good Spiritual Thought-Life UNTO Him.   The human self must be removed from the soul that the SOUL MAY Live and not die in, with darkness of nonexistence, OUTSIDE Reality.

Every day that the Lord PERMITS, I will Speak, Call, Stand SHOUTING THE Good News of Truth IN Reality.

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