Friday, December 15, 2023

The Change IN me, IS Saved by God, the Hand, Finger of God.

 I CONFESS the power of sin, source of my disobedience, and I DECLARE the Power of Obedience, His Presence that NOW, He PERPETUAL NOW, is Saving, Transporting by Spirit BACK TO Reality.

His Body, Bride, of SAME Father, SUBSTANCE, Holiness Walks HELD by Spirit, Thoughts, Mind of God IN Path of Delivery.

Prepared by God to SURRENDER your thoughts, Replaced by His Thoughts?  Desire of your SOUL to Live the Life of Christ, Life of ONENESS WITH Father?  Prepare or NEVER Know God, Spirit, Life, Reality at all.  BE HUMBLE, HAVE Faith, ASK.  The Lord OPENS His Door, His House to His Children Returning Home to Live IN Presence of Eternal Light.

IN Peace, no fear of wrath.  The Christ Life OF Now, MADE Possible by Spirit of POWER, Truth, EMBEDDED upon, within the walls of mind and heart, a Living Law, THOUGHT, Voice we Listen to and OBEY by His Presence within.  God the Power, the Way ONLY Way to Live the Life of Christ while in temporary flesh of time.  To BE FOUND IN Him our Perfect Union TO God WHEN Light Swallows the darkness of time by the Light of His Presence.

Able to Recognize Truth BECAUSE You Know Him as He Knows, Recognizes you as His.

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