Friday, December 15, 2023

The flood of darkness covering the world, shall be Removed by Power of Light in His MANY lamps taken from darkness to Serve Him.

 Our Future IS Brightness, Presence OF God REMOVING THE darkness with His Whisper.  God with, IN His Children NOW passing through the darkness, wrath that swallows enemies of Light.

God is only a Thought away from you.  God Sees, Knows, Saves from every pit, mouth of death that wants to separate you from the Mouth of Truth.  Listen to Him, He LOVES you.

Who can Ascend?  He May that HAS Clean Hands, Pure Heart, The SOUL at Home in the Body of Christ.  They who GIVE their whole SOUL, min and heart TO God, Spirit and Living Word, Truth. God, Goodness AND Mercy KEEP me unto Him.  The Children Generation of Light Seek the Face of Head.  His Body seeks the Head, the Mind in Head.  The Seed, Thoughts of God.

Living the Good Life, GENRATED BY Goodness.  OPEN UNTO Him His Presence.  The King of Glory.  Open Eyes, Ears, Mouth, REJOICE. Body of Christ, REJOICE.

Eternity IN you is the end of serving time IN darkness.  We ARE the Seed LOST unto darkness, mixed in with seed of deah, for A TIME of darkness.  The Rain Goes WHEE, WEHN God Sends His Rain. To QUICKEN INTO Life.  Awaken and ROOT Truth in the soul  Gather me with Wheat not with seed of darkness, sinners, servants of darkness.

I desire to be Wheat, crushed into Feed THE Lord's Awalened Body.   Bread of Love without any malice.   The Sweetness of Living Waters  Rooted by Spirit into Well OF God.

Body Reflection of Christ, Head, AND Head Reflection of Mind within.

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