Friday, December 1, 2023

The PAGAN heart of flesh, flesh begot of lust not MUST BECOME the Body of Christ, Body of Love. STOP ELEVATING your self BY PRIDE. ONLY God can EXALT BY humble Holiness.

The HUMAN children are dead souls void of Life, Spirit.  AND MUST BECOME Reborn OF Faith in the Christ His Word born of His Mouth, Spirit, Taking a dead soul to church of flesh, antichrist, to be taught thoughts that are not His but the thoughts of RELIGOUS flesh VOID OF Spirit.  To BECOME TWICE dead, BOTH SOUL AND FLESH WITHOUT THE Presence of God, TRUE Life, Reality.

Christ HAS BEEN REVEALED, Christ OUR Salvation, His Presence in His Body, we ARE the Body of Christ.  Raised OUT OF TIME into Eternal NOW.  His Body OF Fauth REBORN IN His SPIRUTAL Likeness, ALWAYS we do as Had Thinks AND Says.

Christ HAS BEEN Revealed TO ALL.  Especially the Children BORN into His Body.
Christ and We the Children of His Obedient Flesh and Holy Spirit of Obedience.  HOW the beats of darkness RAGE in flesh void of Spirit, our Peace with, IN Union ONESS WITH God our Father.

Christ is ALL the soul need to Live as a LIVING SOUL and not die with the body of death.  God Keeps His Children from DOING EVIL.  Every THOUGHT OF God is IN Christ OUT Head.  All the cup of Love needs is the Truth and Living Waters that become Christ in the vessel of Faith.

Do you NOT Know ONLY God's Tree BEARS His Fruits.   Let His trees RESTORED TO His Garden, BEAR ONLY the Holy Fruit, Thoughts of the Mind of Spirit. NOW and FOREVER NOW.  Amen.

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