Thursday, November 30, 2023

Keep THE Sabbath of the Lord? Holy Day Light of Life, IN UNION WITH Christ His Spirit UNTO our Spirit. Pleasing the Lord not human self, dead soul.

 The Union of His Body of SAINTS, pleasing not self but God.  SOULS givne themselves in Union to the Lord, TO Serve the Lord Head and Body, those who Love, Honor and Obey the Lord, KEEPING THEMSELVES FROM POLLUTION.

Stronger IN US, THE Body, IS He than the darkness of unbelief.  His Presence, our Union of ONENESS Remove the evil from within out SOULS.  The Virginal SOUL gives itself to ONLYONE God, Truth, Hope, Life that IS PERPETUAL, Everlasting, NOW.

The life the dead soul now lives in is but a temporary dream of darkness and flesh.

Imagine the Life without death, exists?  No LONGER a dream but Reaiity in the Flesh of Christ, His Body, of SAINTS.

God the Life BEYOND flesh of night.

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