Sunday, November 12, 2023

Claim to BE Alive, to Hear, to Know, Recognize? Then HONOR our Father, BELIEVE, Live Christ.

 The Spirit, Presence of God, IS within His REBORN.  They OBEY, DO all He Tells them to do.  Greater He our Father IN Christ IN we His Body, the Body RULED BY God His Power, Will. The spirit of disobedience that dwells in the BLOOD of flesh, HAS BEEN Crucified, REMOVED and NOW a Body Raised to Live a Life without Sin.

Do not deceive your self, soul and DIE IN Sin, not IN Christ, Faith, Truth, Love.   Your HUMAN spirit of disobedience HIDES conceals by FLESH.  Separated by the curtain of darkness, a veil removed by the Sword of God, enabling the soul to See.   We HEAR the Spirit of Christ, our Teacher, OUR TRANSLATOR, OUR NEW Spirit within, that Removes, keeps removed the temporary spirit of temporary body of death.

The Virgin, NEW, Soul, the Bride PREPARED BY God FOR Christ.  The REBORN OF the same Father, Spirit, Seed as Christ His Son.   The Bride of Obedience and Love, that Serves God no other.  NO spiritual Hamen, devil dare seek to harm the Beloved of God.  Even the devil bows, does the Will of God, he SEEKS permission from God.   The human spirit ASKED for permission to test Job, flesh, but was not ALLOWED TO touch his soul.

IF you do not Know the Lord BY HEART, BY Thought, you remain in darkness, alone.

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