Wednesday, November 29, 2023

LOST IN DARKNESS WRESTLING WITH doubts of unbelief, ASK the Lord is WAITING FOR you to ASK IN Faith and Receive, BE as you HAVE Believed His Word.

 To SURRENDER TO Truth, and BE Transformed by Faith, into Humbled SOUL yet in flesh.  Greater is He within SOUL than the OUTER flesh of disobedient spirit.

To Conceive Truth in the inwadmost being, SOUL, and produce the Fruit of His Presence.

The HUMAN SOUL of flesh and temporary AIR, MUST BY Faith: BECOME a REBORN SOUL OF the Flesh of Christ, a SOUL filled with the very Breath, Life of God IN Resurrected Body.  We REBORN Seed of Holy Wheat fallen to the ground, dust, grave and Raised Alive.  IN US Divine Seed and Living Waters, our PERPETUAL Life in, with God.

To lean upon God in stillness and not rely on the HUMAN spirit of self reliance.  Lean not upon the spirit of human  misunderstanding OR die, fall without Help, Way to Return to the Presence of God, Holy Spirit of Holy Life.

The HUMAN spirit of flesh, fills the flesh with eny, jealousy, evil desires, thoughts of darkness. The END OF evil imaginations is REBIRTH OF THE Holy Spirit, God.  Do NOT SEPARATE FROM the Yoke of Spirit and Truth.  The Spirit of Truth LEADS the REBORN SOUL into, through the Door of His House of MANY rooms.  For LIVING SOULS, Children of Righteousness.   Led by flesh, that by nature ALWAYS LIES, will not Help you FIND His Way back to Home, the Beginning.

The Riches of Heaven to Children that Treasure the Thoughts of God His Presence, Christ STORED in Chosen Vessels of the Lord.

WHAT time IS Good, where God His Presence is NOT?   Speak my Father for I LOVE TO Hear You, LEARN the Meaning of Christ, Truth, in a SOUL.

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