We ARE the Body, of Living SOULS, Created to die unto flesh and Live according to the Obedient Flesh of Christ. Dead souls born of human spirit in union with flesh. We exist only as long as the dying body of death exists in this world below His Feet.
The children of flesh are born diso bedient, unable to remain obedient without Christ His Spirit of Obedience, His Father's Presence. Walking with a LIMP. flesh unable to Stand without falling, pulled by darkness back into the DUST of earth. Truth, the Power of Truth TO Restore what IS LOST.
The Truth, to Speak NOTHINH BUT the Truth, Living Word of Spirit. The Father, the Spirit, the Thoughts that ARE God's. Speak O soul according to the Truth WITHIN you. Speak AS God SO Helps you to Speak.
The SOUL Reborn of Life must Live in Consciousness of His Presence. The dead soul born of flesh in time, OUTSIDE the Walls, House of Eternity, asleep in strange dreams, temporary imaginations that exist only by flesh and AIR. DEAD souls asleep in the womb of darkness, flesh. NOTHING born of fallen flesh separated from God, Life, Reality, shall enter without the Mark, the Key, the Spirit of Christ.
The unfaithful flesh shall die OUTSIDE, begging to be Allowed entrance. This God's Plan from the Beginning. ONLY the Bride, the Virgin SOULS, ONE Body of many rooms, cells, Shall Christ THE Truth, THE Way, His Spirit in Resurrected Flesh, God the Power, the Mind, the Spirit, THE Fire that Saves from the fire of destruction.
Ever watched fire fighters take control of burning trees? Fire from outside SWALLOWS the fire within.
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