Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 Religious OR Spiritual?   THAT, IS, THE QUESTION.   Christ IS the Answer.  His Spirit and no OTHER spirit, but the Father, Spirit, God IN the Body of Christ, OUR Head.  In Him the VERY Mind of Father.

ALL are born sin-natured flesh with DEAD souls.  NO?  The Messiah Says Ye MUST BE, BECOME Reborn.   Reborn of God's Will not will of flesh and lust.  The Living SOUL Reborn of Love, God IS Love.  God IN Christ Jesus, OBEDIENCE.  God IS Life, TRUE Life defined by God.  God IS Spirit.  God IS Truth.   Christ AND His Body HAVE NO OTHER father, spirit, teacher, ONLY God Living, PRESENT within His Chosen temple.  A temple UNDER Reconstruction, to PLEASE God the Architect, OWN Builder of His, House, DWELLING PLACE.  A  House of MANY Rooms, for Him and His Children.

You religious men of FLESH, human teachers misleading, misunderstanding, mis- translators, strangers to God, God a stranger to you, you make the UNREBORN...TWICE the devil than before.  Born sin-natured children of perdition, you teach them not that it is their spirit, THOUGHTS, ACTIONS that MUST Change.   Hypocrites, liars, deceivers, BLIND GUIDES misleading the blind followers.  Let even FARTHER FROM God, THE Truth that Saves, TURNS a soul from hell TO God, Spirit, to Live not die TWICE dead: both dead soul void of SSpirit, and their flesh, workers, DOERS of iniquity.

Christ the Son of God.  His ONLY Father, Teacher, Friend.  Jesus Thought the very Thoughts of Spirit, Spoke the Thoughts of God, DID as His Father, DOES.  ONLY God IS Good.  The HUMAN spirit of FLESH can imitate but is not God, Spirit, Life.  The life of AIR for flesh and blood, is not the Breath, the Life in His Resurrected Body.

Christ God's Example, the ONLY Acceptable, Approved Way to RETURN TO Father AND NOT BE CAST OUTSIDE with the disobedient dead TO BE BURNED.  Without Spirit you never will ENTER the Kingdom of Peace, Love, Obedience.   The Truth of God the ONLY TEST NECESSARY TO PASS from the bottom of hell TO the Top the GRADUATE OF Reality.  There is NO TRUTH in flesh unless God Lives, Has His Being God in that flesh.  Until you ARE His, you are only a dream, life of darkness.  Left behind as Godless DUST.

As many as ARE ENABLED by God, COME and Welcome Christ His Spirit of Truth.  Reality is but a Prayer away.  JUST ASK Him, He is waiting.  For YOU, to ASK IN Faith.

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