Tuesday, November 21, 2023

God the End of tunnel of darkness, EXIT in Christ.

 Hear Him and NEVER STOP Listening to the  , Thoughts of God His Presence.

The SOUL Lives WHERE the Spirit IS, HAS His Being.   The Kingdom of Mind Readers.  If you Hear Me NOW, and See, Recognize Me NOW, then WHY do you obey the thoughts of human darkness?   Reborn Soul in the Body of Christ, ruled by Christ, or still a dead soul in womb, flesh, of darkness, unable to CONFORM TO Christ, Truth WITHIN you?

Jesus :  BE darkness or BE Light, be evil or BE Good.  Do not be caught on the border line, a hypocrite, WAVERING SOUL.  Like a Christmas bulb flickering, unstable, IN BETWEEN.   Ask for Help.  There IS Power in the Truth, Word of God's Mouth.  The HUMAN soul born of sin natured flesh IS DEAD in a temporary body, womb of darkness.  The Body of Christ, the Body of Truth, the Seed of Tree of Life, and THEIR Fruits of Spirit, must SEVERE from the past life of death and never return. The Body NEVER LOOKS BACK BUT Walks AS ONE with Christ.  EVER PRESENT NOW. ANLAYS NOW, the Life of Holy Union with Christ our Head.  HIS Bride NEVER takes her Eyes OFF Him.

Hell?  Separation from God, They God.  A dead soul in a dying body of flesh, state of continual temptation, alive TO temptation, dead to God who tempts no one.  The life lived in hell, hell IS never Waking up in the Light.

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