Times of hunger. ALL Paid THE Same, the Reward of Finishing IN Christ, the Work of OUR Father. After the Seed, then comes the Rain, and WHEN MATURE, Comes, IS the Harvest INTO the Storehouse of God. The Spirit, the Presence of Christ our Reward. Perpetual Life, Christ our PERPTEUAL Bread and Living Waters that TRANSFORM IN HIS VESSELS at His Table. God's Table OF Thought, PERPETUAL Thought by Inheritance. The SAINTS ARE DEAD until by Faith IN Christ, His Resurrected Body, Garment CREATED for the Reborn as their own. We are the Body of MANY COLORS.
The Holy Ghost ain't no Theory, He is the VERY Breath of God. Life Breathed into us, the Life Lived by Christ, His Spirit sent into the bled out, lifeless flesh of Jesus. Human spirit of AIR, breathed by the TEMPORARY flesh of darkness, dwells in the dying flesh that encases the DEAD SOUL void of God, Spirit, Life.
The AIR breathed by human flesh is not the Breath, Spirit within the Reborn. Fles Conformed UNTO Holy Spirit. Spirit IS the Life in, of a Saint, Reborn Obedient SOUL. With EVERY Breath, with EVERY Thought, we Live, ACT as God IN US demands if those who Love Him. Love Him His Presence? WAKE UP ye dead in unbelief of darkness. WAKE UP, Walk IN, WITH the Light, HIS Presence.
TRUTH. WITH His Help you will NEVER fall DOWN again.
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