Thursday, November 23, 2023

There are MANY hours of darkness but ONLY ONE Day of PERPETUAL Perfect Light.

 Whatever hour of TIME it NOW is, the time to Shine NOW IS HERE.  Shine ye lamps of Light.

NOW?  BECAUSE? God HAS GIVEN TO His Reborn TO Know our Father LIVES IN us?  Yes Spirit IN you O soul, Knows, Talks with, Listens to the Spirit, Father of the Living SOULS.  Raised BACK TO Life FROM the womb of darkness, of death, the dead in darkness ARE LOST without Spirit, Breath, TRUE Life.  Our Father COMMANDS, demands His Children Believe.  Christ put on the body of death and Walked the earth of dust, CALLING the Children lost, asleep IN power of darkness. to COME. NOW if they Hear Him His INVISIBLE Spirit Calling to their God Given Ears of His Head.  His Body Rises, Separates, OBEYS Him.

The DUST, Lifeless, Waterless DUST, soul IN NEED OF THE OWNER OF THE Field, The Gardener, His Workers, ANGELS OF Light, WATER the Wheat and not the weeds that return to dust.

The Seed of God, Christ Planted IN the soul, WHEN Watered from Above, Rain. Grows upward to Heaven until Harvested, STORED Barn, House of Perpetual Day without night.

The human spirit and temporary flesh, work as one to keep, kill you on the wrong side of Door, until there is NO MORE TIME existence.  Tick Tock.   Is that THE ALARM going off?  The NOW of God, NOW Wake Up AND SHINE.

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