Reborn of Christ His Spirit, Father BY FAITH. HOLY Brethren, Body of Christ. The Body AN the Life, Spirit of Truth. No longer a sinner by human nature, but an ENTIRELY NEW, creature than before.
NO Reborn SOUL continues in the path, life of disobedient spirit. God HAS TAKEN us FOR Himself. God removes us from the dead souls that WALK IN human spirit the road of disobedience.
The HUMAN SOUL that BELONGS TO Sin, is a dead soul on th e path of unrighteousness that leads, ends in death.
The Solution, Remedy, CURE for disobedience, IS Faith in Word of Truth, to ASK AND Receive BY Faith, ASK in Faith and Receive the Obedience of Christ, Source of PLEASING God not flesh and blood.
Separated, divorced from Sin, the NEW Soul is in Holy Union of Faith with Christ. The SOUL Spirit of Spirit, the SAME MIND, SAME Spirit, SAME Thoughts, Same Desires as Christ. Head and Body ARE UNITED AS ONE by the Power, Will, Command of God.
Your human spirit of flesh must die, BE CRUCIFIED IN Faith, and the SOUL Rise NEW to Walk.IN Obedience, rejecting ever evil thought of disobedience. Holy Mind and Holy Body.
ONLY God IS Good. Good Thoughts of Love. WHY DO you THINK human thoughts, weapons of deception seeking to devour YOU INTO the belly of Deceit. The ONLY Way to RETURN from darkness. to BE Turned from, TO, IS THE Holy Spirit UTMOST Power IN Reality. God IS Self-Existent, Perpetual, UNCHANGING NOW and EER No. CONSTANT COMMUICATION WITH God, Spirit with His Children REBORN OF Spirit.
Aborted souls in union with LIPS OF darkness, dead in the belly of darkness. Darkness begets darkness. Darkness shrinks back into darkness becoming ONE.A
Lord, who shall believe the mind that bears the Word of God, Seed being ROOTED by Spirit, Rain?
The Children of Truth, Know, Recognize, Discern by Spiit of Truth within them, the lie of deceit, the trick of darkness to the eyes of flesh that is CONDITIONED UNTO darkness. Dead not Knowing they are dead in the MANY TIMES of darkness, night. Unless the Lord CHOSE AND Awakened the soul would sleep on UNAWARE, UNAWAKE, LOST in THEIR time of darkness.
Beloved, Christ HAS COME and will come again to put away time and Establish Eternity WHERE THERE IS NO time whatsoever. Christ IS the OPEN Door set OPEN BEFORE us by God.. HURRY NOW, for WHEN the Door IS CLOSED, that OUTSIDE Reality shall cease to EXIST.
God MANY dimensions God. MANY times but ONLY ONE God.
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