Saturday, November 18, 2023

The Chosen to Receive BY Faith the Spirit of Holiness, Holy Life. WHEN?

The Eternal Kingdom of the LIVING souls, is NOW Opened by Invitation. IF the SOUL Hears the SECRET Invitation OF Invisible Spirit of Holiness.  The SOUL REBORN OF Faith Seeks the Presence of Faith.  Faith is REBORN Hearing, Recognizing the Voice of Spirit.  The Thoughts of God Revealed, Spoken to the Body of Living SOULS. We ARE the Body of Christ.  Dead human flesh Raised, Resurrected as Sinless, Bloodless Flesh of Christ, the NEW Garment for His SPIRITUAL Body.

Christ our Head, through Whom We Hear the Thoughts of God, Spirit.  NOW BELIEVE the Written Words of His Prophets, and LIVING Word of His Spirit, and by Faith Rise AND Serve ONLY God His Thoughts of Truth and rebuke, refuse, deny the thoughts of your human flesh its spirit.

Christ the Head and the Body ARE One.  We SERVE God our Father and no other spirit. 

THIS generation NOW?  in the garden of darkness, in the marketplace of flesh, calling TO each other, flesh TO flesh.  LOST void of Truth, Light, Happiness, Blessing.  Lost, being dead, blind souls misled by Christless flesh.  The Spirit Knows His Way.  The Spirit Revealse THE Way out of darkness into Kingdom of Eternal Light.  Where no human spirit of AIR and flesh cease to exist.

The Spiritual wars of flesh against Spirit.  As long as sin natured flesh exists, there will BE War.  Christ the Sword of God, Spirit, that HAS ALEADY WON the war.  It is Finished, NOW in FAITH, Spirit, Walk IN OBEDIENCE unto Your Lord.  THEN Receive the NEW Garment of Eternal soul.

The FEW become Many in the Body of Faith. ENTER NOW BY Faith, His Power, His Will, and EXPERIENCE the Life of a LIVING SOUL Reborn OF Faith.

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