You Received the Invite and instructions of ATTIRE. COME CLEANSED, Spotless in the Perfect Garment of Christ. Who holds back, pulls back, shrinks back, turn back from being PRESENT with the King but the disobedient souls, the unclean, in an old garment. Getting naked before God? Removal of anything that is BETWEEN the soul and Him. There is no use of PRETENSE in His Presence. Has He not Given the Helper to PREPARE YOU TO BE PLEASING Him?
The Bride and Spirit, Eunuch in charge of preparing Her with Counsel, PREPARED BY Understanding the Man for whom She IS Chosen. The Perfect Union of SOULS as ONE, soul SMITTEN BY Love . The Love of Obedience that removes the attempts of disobedience, envy, wicked desires seeking the Position of Power on the Throne of Kingdom. Trying to take hold the Virgin, to claim to be King.
BE ON GUARD, PERPETUALLY for the serpent never ceases to take what belongs ONLY TO God.
The Invitation HAS BEEN Sent in the Spirit, the Blood of Jesus. The CHAINS of darkness HAVE BEEN Removed by Power of the Light, Truth, Love. Those who Know Him COME BEFORE the Door is closed. QUICKLY they Come if they ARE IN Reality His. Their is Perfect Love, Perfect Obedience, PERFECT HONORING God as God. The children of Godless flesh simply have NO Faith IN Him.
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