Thursday, November 16, 2023

FIRST Remove from your OWN eye what HINDERS you from Seeing? What obstacle is in your way.

 Will not THE Father GIVE to His Children WHAT they need, ASK for IN, BY Faith?

DO UNO OTHERS, AS YOU WANT them to DO unto you.  The law OF MOSES, Written, is NOT the Spiritual Law of Christ.  Christ the Perfect, Greater Law, His Spirit of LIVING Law governs, Rules PERFECTLY the Children of the Father.   STOP thinking about PHYSICAL needs and FOCUS ON Spiritual Life.  The physical is temporary, the Spirit is Eternal.

The NARROW, Hard way for a dead soul to ENTER?  The DEAD soul can not enter the Kingdom of the LIVING SOULS, Children of God.  ONLY WITH Spirit, Helper is it possible.  Jesus does not Know wicked people.  Wolves among sheep.  Recognize them BY disobedience, their lack of appetite for Truth.

It IS the REBORN soul that Hears AND OBEYS.  The waters, rain of unrighteousness comes, but the soul BUILT UPON Christ the Rock, TRUE Foundation, WILL NOT, NEVER fall.  The foolish person is the ONE who Hears His Command and DISOBEYS.  God HAS DONE THIS, hidden in plain sight, WRITTEN that IF ASK IN FAITH for Rebirth of SOUL. THAT soul that is dead in unbelief WOULD Rise and Walk ALIVE IN Christ His Body.

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