The ANGRY, RESENTFUL, Jealous Cain, STRUCK, KILLED ABLE. BECAUSE? Cain PLEASED God not him self, flesh. God is Spirit. WHAT PLEASES God, IS Good, His SPIRITUAL Reflection. The spirit of flesh, darkness, draws back from Light, Truth, Love. Anything that removes darkness, darkness flees.
God's ENEMY has done THIS. MIXED his seed, thought, error, in the hearts and minds of ALL SOULS born of FLESH, Christ the ONLY Son of God, Genuine Seed, We the Body of Christ, MANY Seed of Wheat fallen into the earth, pit and Raised a LIVING Body, not earthly, CELESTIAL. Immortal. The soul REBORN that BE COMES THE Reflection of Christ our Head, and the Mind IN Head, SHALL Crossing OVER Alive IN OBEDIENCE, Receives the Reward of NEW IMMORTAL Garment.
EXAMINATION. OF the soul, house, to see its TRUE condition, calling down? OR Standing by Spirit, Keeper of the house and soul. The HUMAN spirit needs CASTING OUT by the Owner. The bad condition of the house due to an enemy that cares not about the house. The ANTI-Christ is always at home in his stolen property. Where there remains desire for evil, what the presence of evil gives the house KEEPS the soul in bondage to darkness.
What lives, has its being in a soul, is the source of all EVIL, thoughts and actions, the devil turns the flesh into coffin the souls sleeps into nonexistence. Where there is NO God, THERE, there IS evil.
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