Saturday, November 18, 2023

DO you desire to Think about Him, ALL hours of night UNTO Resurrection Day.

 As many as take hold His garment BY Faith, these be Healed.  Ye MUST BECOME Reborn BY Faith. Changed, restored from dead soul into Living SOUL   The dead soul TRANSFORMED in womb of darkness, night, into a LIVING Soul Lifted into the Kingdom of the Living by Father.  Perfect as our Father IS Perfect.  The Living Word, Truth of Spirit, is Christ-Life IN us.  The SOUL the Seed of Fruit of the Tree of Life.    The seed of the frui.t of darkness, become the Seed of Light BY Faith in God His Word of Power.   To Walk among the dead children of death, who can not Hear, Recognize, the Presence of our Father IN us, the Body of Christ.

Father BEFORE time existed, You Eternal Knew, OUR BEGINNNING AND our END.  Pour out Your Living Waters.  MAKE IT RAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN.  GLORIFY YOUR Self, God above all the madness and chaos of this realm of the dead.  Speak.  Raise Your dead asleep in darkness ands. Shine, Speak and the darkness ceases to exist.

Spending YOUR time wisely or being robbed by darkness, the thief?

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