Sunday, November 19, 2023

There is a Life Lived in God's Spirit, PRESENCE.

The wolves in disguise as shepherds of Truth, DESIRE your money, time for themselves, and deceive themselves by listening to the human spirit of deceit.   YES.  NONE are perfect with imperfect human spirit.  But THERE IS A Christ a Truth that died to Save us from our evil human self, spirit.  Greater is Christ in the BELIEVER, than the darkness, evil spirit of unbelief that desires to destroy BOTH dead soul and dying flesh in the open pit, mouth of death.

I will not stop TELLING THE Truth according to Spirit, that SAVES THIS SOUL FROM spirit of deceit and death.  WHY you follow, listen to YOUR OWN human thoughts, spirit?  IF you ARE Reborn OF Spirit, God, THEN you WOULD OBEY Him by the Power of the Spirit within your Reborn SOUL. Hypocrites SAY they   will but DO not Obey God but listen to, obey their OWN thoughts, desires OF flesh. Hypocrites are SELF serving and deceiving DEAD souls into thinking they are REBORN Living souls, servants of God not flesh.   ONLY God can AND DOES Control who Awakens from slumber in darkness to Awaken IN THE Presence of Light.  Time to be honest with own soul.  Wake up and CONFESS the Truth according to God.  Christ IS OBEDIENCE, AND we ARE His OBEDIENT Body of Living SOULS.  Come out of the shadow people and Shine His Light.

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