The warring winds of flesh, rage, resist, deny. But the Light they released from the Vessel of Holiness shall, ALWAYS, NOW, the Flame of God goes from candle to candle across the world of darkness, Light REMOVES darkness. Heaven on earth.
The temporary spirits of darkness, flesh of darkness, RAGE fueled by fear, this is but a PASSING DREAM, the Awakened soul set of Fire vy Flame, shall GROW Brighter and Brighter.
The fake candles of darkness, hypocrisy, lovers of sin nature, shall be snuffed out by the Mighty Wind Spirit, Breath of God.
The TEMPORARY timeS of darkness shall pass, cease to exist. ALL the Shall REMAIN IS Light and Light. The REBIRTH of a Garden of Perfection, Reflection of God.
ONE MOMENT, of surrender to Truth, NOTW is the rebellion of darkness over.
There is NO fear of darkness in the REBORN SOULS that Know God OUR Father..
What resistance if there IN temporary time, hours, AGAINST Eternal NOWN?
Stop listening to flesh that loves it human nature of sin, AND BE Transformed into a LIVING SOUL Enraptured in, by Spirit of Love. He GAVE His temporary body to pain, hate, RAGE, DEATH to set We His Bride, Body FREE IN Reality. He PAID, He DIED, NOW BELIEVE, ANDY after this world is gone, Rise Awake IN Reality. He is the Reality of His Saints, those who believe THEREFORE We OBEY
Those who NOW disobey, it is because they are asleep in darkness not Awake IN Christ His Body. Time to Wake UP from the nightmare of the hours of darkness and Stand, Remain Awake. The flesh will fall back asleep without the Presence of Spirit of Light. The Flame in His lamp does not stop Shining especially in darkness.
Believe the Lord. The time of darkness is over when YOU Door of the SOUL to the Lord. Soul by Soul He Shines yhe Light of Day. UNTIL darkness is no more.
WITHOUT darkness the Light could NOT BE Seen, Wise God. Blessed His Children. their Eyes Opened to See, Seek the Light.
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