Thursday, November 23, 2023

Is that a poisoned fruit, thought from the tree of death, partial obediece, on your lips? Do not take another bite of venom flowing from serpents mouth.

 PURGE the darkness with His Remedy of Light.   The Spirit in charge of Preparing the Bride, removes every spot, tear, mark, stain IN, UPON the SOUL.  The Presentation of a NEW, REBORN PERFECT soul for Christ's Body.  Perfect Bride for Perfect Groom.  Happy, Holy EVER after United by God. The unbreakable Union, the Will of God.

Sweet Lord cannot stop Thinking about Her, She cannot stop Thinking about Him. The dream of darkness has BECOME Day of Joy and Love OF Light.

God the ONLY Holy Obsession, Acceptable to God.  Yeah.  I JUST WOKE UP, looked in the Mirror and Saw the condition I am IN without Him.  To BECOME the Perfect Reflection of the soul IN OBEDIENCE to the Man, Head, Chosen FOR her by Father.

Broken, yes.  BUT God Repairs, Restores the one Chosen before darkness stole the heart of flesh.

Drop the apple of deceit, confess, and Ask for Christ the Truth, ANTI-venom and Live.

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