Wednesday, November 15, 2023

God the ,Author of Life according TO God. His Thoughts not human thoughts.

God Speaking by Thought to the REBORN SOUL its NEW Mind.  The Reborn ARE the Body of Christ.  Christ the Head of His Body.  God the VERY Mind in Chrit our Head.  God wants us to believe that He AND He ALONE if the Father of Christ's Body.  SO MANY HUMAN distractions for flesh, lost in bottomless darkness.  DROWNING in waters of darkness without a Hope of the Shore, Rock.

To FLOAT and cease to struggle in unbelief and drown.   Christ the ONLY Hope, Rescue, CLING IN Faith TO Him.  The NEW Foundation Poured out by God.  The Builder of His OWN House, Builds to Please Himself no other.   Struggle against, resist Truth and NEVER have Lived at all.

God in the Driver's Seat and suddenly you ARE Home.  Many hours of night gone; Never-ending Day JUST BEGUN.   What a Family Gathering PERPETUATLLY.   Children of flesh IMAGINE, but do not Know the Presence of God OUR Reality HERE, NOW WITH us the Body of Chrit.  JUST ASK in Faith and Receive.  To deny the WONDROUS Epiphany I would be hell bound.  Who IS your father, teacher, leader?  Mine is not flesh and, blood.  I Love Him, I Believe Him, with Him His HELP I shall RETURN TO our Father.   I love Him, ONLY Him.  The I, the old soul, crucified and the NEW Soul Raised to Please ONLY God.  God the Life in you will put away, have Dominion over the self-thought life of darkness.  Glorify YOUR Self, Brightness, Live IN me. I surrender.

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