A CONDITION OF thinking and doing terrible things, murders immoral things like adultery, deceit, slander. This condition infects the heart of SOUL WITH unclean thoughts that make unclean and CUASE THE SOUL TO sin, disobey God. Greater the darkness in the soul that is VOID OF God, Truth, Power-to-obey. To ASK IN Faith and BE set Free? You Ask NOT because you WANT NOT TO be separated, divorced from the spirit of sin, disobedience, you LOVE.
NOW. Now IS the Power of God. The Spirit Given to those who ASK, SEEK IN Faith. God REWARDS Faith-fullness, the soul that REFUSES TO separate from Truth. Christ His Spirit, TRUTH, Poured into the mind and hearts of SOUL. LIVING SOULS Serve OUR Father His Will not their own human spirit of flesh and death. The SOUL bonded with Love of Forgiving God. Tell THE Truth, CONFESS and Help will Prepare you for a Holy Life of Love. The dead souls void of Spirit shall not Rise but be buried with dead flesh. God, Holy Substance, Holy Life, our BY Faith IN Him His Word OF Truth.
Lord Thy Will BE, DONE, NOW and without ceasing. Please Your Self, God. Give the Body of Christ the Spirit of Understanding, a Foundation of Pleasing God.
OUTSIDE a house, on the streets there are weeds and Wheat. Souls burning to ashes of fire of darkness and souls Protected by Fire that Saves, not harms. The Light IS ON. Answer His Call. And DO all He Tells, Commands YOU to DO. His Fire, SHINES, hell its fire destroys.
Wake up, your house is burning down. There is a Fire department, Give Him a Call for Help.
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