Thursday, November 30, 2023

The underworld of darkness. The serpent of vipers RULES the dead souls, keeps them Powerless by unbelief, in chains of darkness.

 The thouhts that take captive holding soul bound to death.  Christ, the Rock, the Hmmer of God that breaks asunder the chains of darkness off the REBORN OF Faith.

Hell under the Feet of Christ upon His Throne.  The Word, TrYuth of God REIGNS in Power OF Light.

The father of the dead, Lifeless, temporary souls earth bound.

You cannot EXIST but, IN the Mind, Holy Womb of G, goodness.  The serpent in disguise as good but is evil, the evil thought, lie, falsehood of deceit that keeps dead souls IN flesh captive.

Christ IS Lord, NOW, IN AND OUTSIDE OF time, IN Reborn soul yet dressed in flesh.  God has PREPARED a Holy Flesh to replace the snake-skin IN time.  There ARE MANY hours of NIGHT, but ONLY ONE Day of Light.  Perpetual Light where there is NO DARKNESS, not evenHADOW..

BE GONE ye shadows of death in flesh, teturn ye dust TO dust, and AIR, wind, back to AIR.

Blessed are the SOULS NOW Wakened by Spirit of Light, and Rise this Eternal Hour to Serve Christ His Body.   The House of Christ, His Body has MANY Rooms.  Prepare by God to Receive you.  BY Spirit.

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