Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Th Teacher IS the Author of Truth. The Engraver of the Word upon mind and heart of SOUL.

 To RESTORE the dead UNTO Life, by the Power of Truth God having to DRAG His LOST soul from the darkness BACK INTO His Kingdom , House WITH Him?

AN HEIR?   Spirit BEGETS Spirit, the INHERITANCE of Spirit filled Flesh IS Living the Life that Pleases God.  The Sword of Truth, piercing your heart of darkness dead, separating your soul from darkness by His Presence., 

Christ, OUR Freedom.  ONCE you Taste of Him your Walk Changes TO Run WITHIN the Straight Path of Christ set before you, His BODY. 

I believed every speaker of flesh, did not Know Christ His Presence, so I followed a RELIGIOUS PATH that is not of Christ.  THE ONLY Law I NOW Follow unto death of body of flesh.  I WANT TO Live IN Truth, Christ, IN His Body and I want to DEPART this dying flesh, Lifted by Him, BEHING Him into the Kingdom OF NOW.   Madness to children of flesh in love with the world.  A soul mocked, TOO MUSH Wine of   Christ His Presence.

This Day of Union NEVER ENDS.  The days lived in darkness; time of darkness ARE FADING AWAY into nonexistence is the OLD life.  My Eyes of my Head, HAVE FIXED this soul upon God His Presence NO and EVER NOW.

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