SUPREME, UTMOST God. Reality. Truth. The HUMAN sHoul IS DEAD void of Spirit, Life. The human soul is a TEMPORARY life in dying flesh. Tainted blood. The spirit of AIR, is in the blood of flesh. You MUST BY God, Spirit, BECOME Reborn filled with Breath of God. Eternal Life. Christ was SENT to put on sin natured flesh, reliant upon AIR, spirit, to Crucify, bleed out the OLD life from flesh and RAISE the Flesh NEW, Garment, Sinless for the REBORN 'OF Christ His Spirit, Power to put on to Walk in.
NO Spirit, NO Life, NO returning to God, Holiness, Righteousness, Love. God's Spirit, Christ's Spirit OF Faith. God IN us doing FOR us the impossible without Him.
The HUMAN heart condition, the heart relying upon AIR, evil spirit, to live a temporary life of flesh. IF you HAVE NOT the Spirit of God, you ARE NOT His. The spiritual BRETHREN OF Christ His Body HAVE the Spirit IN THEIR souls, minds and hearts.
Have you not THE Spirit, OF Understanding? CONFESS AND ASK, Receive Him. The HUMAN heart void of Spirit is FULL OF EVIL THOUGHTS THAT FLOW from the EVIL human spirit that has rooted itself within the soul. Spiritual CONTAMINATION. The
ENEMY OF Christ, Life of Truth, dwells, RULES from within the mind and heart of SOUL. Human flesh but the puppet on the chains of evil.
Our HUMAN thoughts are not God's GOOD Thoughts. We HAVE the mind of FLESH and MUST BY Faith, Receive the Spirit, Mind, Thoughts of God. The dead soul and the dying body of flesh, belong to angel of death, spirit that wars against the Spirit. The human spirit is spirit of disobedience. The Spirit of Christ, IN the Reborn, is the Spirit of absolute Obedience to God.
TO BEAR WITHIN the Spirit of God, IS the Mark of BEING, BELONGING TO God. God is HUMAN spirit in flesh. God in Christ His Body, is the VERY Breath, Spirit Presence of God.
That which breaths air, that which is flesh of human spirit IS the enemy og God, Holy Breath of Life in Reality. Believe the Word of God, if you have not Spirit you do not belong to, Know God. UNABLE to DISCERN, RECOGNIZE, Follow Truth.
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