Friday, November 17, 2023

Self examination. WHY DO you think such evil things, thoughts?

 WHERE there IS Faith, THERE is Forgiveness for sins.   Lord, COMMAND us and we Will Walk in Your Spirit AND Follow You. Working for the Owner's Son, Gathering His Harvest.  THOSE SOULS that persevere, continue, hold out unto the END of their TIME.  The Reward of His students, workers is their BECOMING LIKE Him.  Satisfied with becomig Hi Likeness.

The HOURS OF darkness, spent in stillness, Listening to Him, THIS Truth, this Christ, OUR Day to share without fear, without shame, We ARE His Flock, His Sheep, He is our ONLY Shepherd.

The TIMES OF darkness, hours, are ALMOST over.  Do not be afraid of temporary body of AIR, DUST, UNCLEAN SPIRIT.   God CAN destroy BOTH dead soul and dying flesh IN HELL God REJECTS that which defies, wars, resists, rejects God.   Christ the Sword of God that brings Peace to His Body OF Faith.

The human flesh and human spirits war until the body is dead.  Self-destructive children with murder in their heart and mind, OF DEAD SOULS.

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