Friday, November 24, 2023

The traditions of dead souls. DO NOT carry my bones that belong to death WITH you a burden of flesh upon flesh.

WAKE UP. Sleepy head.  I am NOW His Body of Christ.  This dead flesh returns to dust, belongs to the earth AND temporary life of AIR.  OF Him His Body BY Faith, THIS Soul REBORN Living Soul of Soul.  He Shall GIFT me His Body of LIVING Flesh to put on and Walk in.

I BELIEVE the Holy Spirit, inaudible Truth that DEAD souls in dying flesh CANNOT Hear without Rebirth.  The Living Reborn soul Growing BURIED IN flesh with darkness, BREAKS THROUGH into the Light and Rises unto Harvested out of time into Eternal.

ONCE upon a TIME we lived temporary lives of sin, as slaves of sin, resisters to Truth.  But now THE SOULS Awake in the womb of darkness, time, ARE BEING Formed Conformed into the SPIRITUAL Likness of Christ, Seed of God.   The Farmer, Owner of His Eternal Field, plants His Seed in rows, generations, THEN He.Waters, SENDS Rain.  The seed of disobedience sown in time of NIGHT. Allowed for a time to GROW, exist with Wheat.  UNTIL READY FOR Harvest from the Field.

God is not a human being.  Christ A NEW Flesh and Spirit, different from flesh and blood.

Call upon God, Merciful God of Love.  Secret?  His Wheat, Children, REBORN SOULS, Know Him THEIR Father and He Knows THEM.  The Reborn soul will not stop KNOCKING on the Door of Truth, until Father Himself Answers the soul and LETS the LIVING SOUL IN.

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