God CREATED a garden for AIR breathing flesh. MANY TREES, man may eat of but not the tree if death its poisoned fruit evil that appears but is not, tastes good to flesh but is not. The fruit of the tree that is BOTH good AND evil, MIXED together. HUMAN wisdom that seems good to a man but is not. Partial obedience to Truth, is not ABWOLUTE, PERPETUAL Obedience TO T/ruth The mind of the Devil, his thoughts ARE NOT God's Thoughts. To listen to any other spirit than the Spirit of Truth IS TO DIE OF POISON. INFECTED BY DOUBT unto, into UNBELIEF. Separated from God, Light, BY darkness. A little yeast of malice RUINS the WHOLE Loaf of Bread.
The Spirit, Breath, Presence of God is within His Children.
The HUMAN spirit of AIR, breath of flesh is temporary life. Temporary man is not the PERPETUAL Man Planted IN the Kingdom of God. The SPECK of darkness, malice RUINS the whole soul. BY Faith BECOME NEW, REBORN OF God Perpetual Goodness, Holiness, Righteous LOVE.
Adam become a BODY, field of death, producing dead fruit. Christ THE NEW Man OF Life, and the old man, old flesh dead even while it appears to be alive it is dead. The WHOLE tree given to death.
Christ THE Man, Seed and Rain come down from above, Rooted in fallen flesh, BECOME CRUCIFIED AS ONE, BUT Sinless Soul of Life, Raised His BLED OUT Body Alive with Him. Filled with the Breath, Presence of God. From REBORN SOUL Resurrected in the Body of Christ.
To Walk with Christ, you must BE IN Christ His Body.
WHY SO HARD FOR dead soul in mortal flesh to take hold of Christ, Truth and CLING?
With God in us by Faith, ALL is possible He COMMANDS, DESIRES. FROM a soul in which God Abides, Remains, God IN Dominion.
Putting on Christ, Snake Boots to dance the night until Dawn.
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