Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The VIRGIN Bride. REBORN, Transformed by Faith from disobedient unto Obedient Bride FOREVER His.

 Living SOUL For Living Soul.  Spirit for Spirit.  Purification? Clean, Freed?  NOW that your Obedience TO the Truth, HAS Purified you and you ARE COME TO a SINCERE Love for other believers, your heart EARNEST BECAUSE you HAVE BEEN REBORN of IMMORTAL Father, you NOW ARE by Faith IMMORTAL SOULS, Children of God, Brethren of Christ.

Reborn and GROWING, MATURING IN Christ. NOW HONOR our Father, rid your soul of evil, lying, hypocrisy, jealousy, insulting language.  BELIEVE.  AND BECOME, BE Perfect as OUR Father IS Perfect.   We come to a  Stone, Rock of Truth, ENGRAVED BY God, Spirit.  A Living Stone, A Life of Truth, the Foundation of the House of God.

UNBELIEVERS.  Those who HAVE heard but reject WRITTEN Invitation TO Truth, these unbelievers do not Know the VALUE OF Christ His Spirit.  They STUMBLE OVER the Rock AND FALL.  Fell? BECAUSE they stumbled UNTO falling against the Rock.  Children of FLESH do not believe THE Word that WAS God's Will FOR them.

Beloved, SPEAK to the Rock, strike not the Rock.  Speak Lord, WE ARE Listening. Speak.

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